Waste Dropoff at Grange – Sept 10, 2022
Grange representatives from across California came together to discuss and vote for the State and Federal government to act on legislative issues benefiting farmers.
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Below are a few photo(s) of recent activity at the non-profit Prunedale Grange #388, 17890 Moro Rd., Salinas, CA 93907.
Beneficial community events and private rentals continue while behind the scene our volunteers maintain the property.
Rent our affordable hall for your wedding, birthday, reunion, youth event, car show, etc.
Grange representatives from across California came together to discuss and vote for the State and Federal government to act on legislative issues benefiting farmers.
Prunedale Grange hosted the convention.
Other Central Coast local granges supported by cooking and serving meals.
Prunedale Grange presented and gained approval for the following action at the federal level to help farmers in Ukraine.
“Whereas: Russia has attacked into Ukraine and damage or destroyed ports, cities, villages, crops, cropland, farm equipment, farm infrastructure, water delivery networks, and food distribution means.
Be it Resolved: For the California State Grange to petition the State Department and Department of Defense to prioritize and allocate 5 to 10% of their annual budget for the next ten years to help rebuild the Bread Basket of Europe, only after combat ceases and as long as Ukraine remains an independent nation.”